
Entity Definition

Logical Name : CustomerMembershipProgram
Physical Name : CO_CT_MBRSHP_PRGM

A RETAILER SPONSORED group plan that customers may elect to join. As used here, join means that the customer provides personal contact information through a registration process and, for paid membership type programs pays a fee. Membership programs are typically implemented as initiatives that reward customers for patronizing the retailer. Membership programs involve monitoring activity over a designated period of time and based on activity volume and cumulative value of the customer's net purchases gives the customer discounts, cash payments, premium gifts, etc. based on the net value they have contributed to the retailer's profitability. NOTE: Some retailers offer different "levels" of paid CustomerRewardProgram membership. As modeled here, to avoid confusion with CustomerRewardProgramTier we recommend that retailers set the different program levels up as different customer reward programs.

Data Definition

Attribute Description Physical Name Domain Data Type Foreign Key Table
MembershipProgramID (PK) Token ID for a CustomerRewardProgram instance. ID_CT_MBRSHP_PRGM Identity integer
CustomerRewardProgramTypeCode A code used to indicate the class or category of customer reward related to this program. Valid values include: LOYALTY_PROGRAM CLUB_MEMBERSHIP_PROGRAM CD_CT_RWD_PRGM_TYP Code varchar(20)
FeeChargedFlag A boolean indicator that if YES means that a customer pays a fee to enroll in the CustomerRewardProgram. If NO, they do not pay a fee. Note that a customer always registers (i.e. in the ARTS model they must be a KeyCustomer and have an account relationship established.) FL_FE_CHRGD Flag integer
FeeRenewalTypeCode Designates the fee (if FeeChargedFlag is YES) renewal type. Valid values are: ONETIME RENEWABLE CD_FE_RNWL_TYP Code varchar(20)
EnrollmentRenewalPeriodCode Designates a renewal period type for this program if its FeeChargedFlag is YES and its FeeRenewalTypeCode is 'RENEWABLE'. Valid values are: CALENDAR_YEAR ANNUAL_ANNIVERSERY_DATE SEMIANNUAL QUARTERLY MONTHLY CD_ENRLLMNT_RNWL_PRD Code varchar(20)
ProrateFeeFlag A boolean indicator that if YES means that a calendar year (or other calendar based renewal period) fee will be prorated based on the actual program enrollment date. For example customer X joins Y wholesale club on July 1 and Y has a calendar year based membership program -- customer X will pay half the annual fee to enroll. There after, the customer will pay a full year fee to remain a member in good standing. FL_PRRT_FE Flag integer
CustomerMembershipProgramFeeAmount Monetary Value of the fee that is paid by a customer to enroll in the CustomerRewardProgram. MO_FE Money decimal(16,5)
Name Generic membership club name used primarily for internal reporting. Names used to advertise and promote a CustomerMembershipProgram are delegated to the subtype entities. NM_PRGM_MBRSHP Name varchar(40)
Description Text that describes a club membership program. DE_PRGM_MBRSHP DescriptionNarrative varchar(4000)
EffectiveDate The date that a loyalty program becomes available. DC_PRGM_MBRSHP_EF EffectiveDate date
ExpirationDate The date after which the loyalty program is no longer available. DC_PRGM_MBRSHP_EX ExpirationDate date
RedemptionInstantDeferredTypeCode A code that indicates if the redemption of points is instant (based on rules fired at the point of sale) or deferred which requires a separate action on the part of the customer and/or retailer. Valid Values: DEFERRED INSTANT INSTANT redemption of points may happen any time after they are earned. Typically they are redeemed automatically using electronic coupons. Deferred redemptions mean that points may be redeemed at a later time based on a retailer defined event or trigger. CD_RDM_INSTNT_DFR_TYP Code varchar(20)
StatusCode Indicates the status of this CustomerRewardProgram entity instance. Sample values include: A = Active I = Inactive STS_CD Code2Status char(2)
MembershipProgramProcessorID (FK) Token ID for a CustomerRewardProgramProcessor ID_CT_MBRSHP_PRGM_PCSR Identity integer CustomerMembershipProgramProcessor(PA_CT_MBRSHP_PRGM_PCSR)
MembershipProgramSponsorID (FK) Token ID for a CustomerRewardProgramSponsor ID_MBRSHP_PRGM_SPNSR Identity integer CustomerMembershipProgramSponsor(PA_CT_MBRSHP_PRGM_SPNSR)
ProgramTypeCode (FK) Designates a category of CustomerMembershipProgram. Sample values include: LOYALTY SUBSCRIPTION CD_PRGM_TYP Code varchar(20) CustomerMembershipProgramType(CO_CT_MBRSHP_PRGM_TYP)


Parent Entity Verb Phrase Child Entity
CustomerMembershipProgramType defines processing rules for CustomerMembershipProgram
CustomerMembershipProgramSponsor pays for CustomerMembershipProgram
CustomerMembershipProgramProcessor administers CustomerMembershipProgram
CustomerMembershipProgram is prerequisite for RebateProgram
CustomerMembershipProgram is stratified into CustomerMembershipProgramLevel
CustomerMembershipProgram is governed by CustomerMembershipProgramTerms

Logical Views containing CustomerMembershipProgram

Logical View
Logical 01400 - Item Rewards Derivation - Transaction Level
Logical 07010 - Customer Account Information Extended